
ca. 1400-1600

Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly from the 14th century to the 17th century. This was one of the richest period in European art. The Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art. Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists and artists in history of mankind thrived during this era.


ca. 1600-1800

Baroque art emerged in Rome, in the 17th century and spread to other European countries where it merged with local traditions and cultures. Baroque means irregularly-shaped pearl & it carried connotations of “bizarre” and “absurd” when used by its critics who dismissed it as a decadent successor to the revered Renaissance movement.


Modern Art in Kenya

Over the last few years, Kenya has cashed in on the “art boom” that Africa has been experiencing. Young artists in kenya, mostly in urban areas, are working in multiple mediums to explore issues related to their childhood memories, complex social interactions besides racial, ethnic, and religious identities.


Kenyan Art & History

The depth and wealth of Kenya’s art history is immense and unique. A significant collection of art is archived in public and private institutions. Sadly, the Kenyan public does not get to access these collections and the stories that define their history; stories of how humans have used creative expression to inform their posterity.



Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly from the 14th century to the 17th century. This was one of the richest period in European art. The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art. Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists and artists in history of mankind including Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti, thrived during this era, while global exploration opened up new lands and cultures to European commerce. The Renaissance is credited with bridging the gap between the Middle Ages and modern-day civilization. Read more. Some of the most famous artistic works that were produced during the Renaissance include:.

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Mona lisa
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Sistine Madonna
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The birth of Venus

Artist:Sabdaro Botticelli


The ‘Birth of Venus’ depicts the classical myth of Venus rising from the sea. In the painting the goddess of love, Venus, born out of a seashell, a fully mature woman, is arriving at the sea shore. Scholars have proposed many interpretations of the painting with the most prominent one being that Botticelli represented the Neoplatonic idea of divine love in the form of a nude Venus. Botticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’ remains one of the most treasured artworks of the Renaissance.

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The creation of Adam

Year: Michelangelo Buonarroti

Year: 1512

The work done by Michelangelo on the Sistine Chapel ceiling is a cornerstone of Renaissance art and ‘The Creation of Adam’ is the most famous fresco panel of the masterpiece. The popularity of the painting is second only to ‘Mona Lisa’; and along with ‘The Last Supper’, it is the most replicated religious painting of all time. The image of the near-touching hands of God and Adam has become iconic of humanity and has been imitated and parodied innumerable times.

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The Kiss of Judas

Artist: Giotto di Bondone

Year: 1306

Many critics consider Giotto as the first genius of modern painting and some claim that no artist has surpassed him with only a handful coming close. His fresco cycle on the Scrovegni Chapel is one of the most important masterpieces of Western art and ‘The Kiss of Judas’ is the most famous painting of the cycle. The painting captures the moment of betrayal when Judas identifies Jesus to the soldiers by kissing him. Giotto masterfully captures the drama and confusion of the arrest of Christ as well as the contrast of expressions of Jesus and Judas as they look face to face.

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The last Judgement

Artist:Michelangelo Buonarroti

Year: 1541

The Last Judgement is one of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art. Painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, it depicts the Second Coming of Christ (a future return of Jesus to earth) and the final and eternal judgment by God of all humanity. Jesus is shown in the center of the painting and is surrounded by prominent saints; while the Resurrection of the Dead and the Descent of the Damned into Hell is shown in the zone below.

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The Last Supper

Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci


In ‘The Last Supper’, Leonardo masterfully depicts the bewilderment and confusion that occurs among the disciples of Jesus when he announces that one of them would betray him. Leonardo’s detailed knowledge of anatomy, light, botany and geology; his interest in how humans register emotion in expression and gesture; and his subtle gradation of tone; all come together to make this painting among the most revered and famous works of all time.

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The school of Athens

Artist: Raphael

Year: 1511

Raphael’s masterpiece, ‘The School of Athens’, is one of the four main frescoes on the walls of the Stanze di Raffaello, in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. The four paintings epitomize Philosophy, Poetry, Theology, and Law; with ‘The School of Athens’ representing Philosophy. Critics have suggested that every great Greek philosopher can be found among the 21 painted in the painting. However, apart from Plato and Aristotle, who are placed in the center of the scene, no one’s identity can be verified with certainty. ‘The School of Athens’ is considered “the perfect embodiment of the classical spirit of the High Renaissance.”

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Artist: Michelangelo

Subject: Jesus Christ

The Cristo della Minerva, also known as Christ the Redeemer, Christ Carrying the Cross or the Risen Christ, is a marble sculpture by the Italian High Renaissance master Michelangelo Buonarroti, finished in 1521. It is in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, to the left of the main altar. The work was commissioned in June 1514, by the Roman patrician Metello Vari, who stipulated only that the nude standing figure would have the Cross in his arms, but left the composition entirely to Michelangelo. Michelangelo was working on a first version of this statue in his shop in Macello dei Corvi around 1515, but abandoned it in roughed-out condition when he discovered a black vein in the ...more on Wikipedia(

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Artist: Michelangelo

Subject: David

David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created between 1501 and 1504, by Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet Michelangelo. It is a 4.34-metre, 5.17-metre with the base marble statue of a standing male nude. The statue represents the Biblical hero David, a favoured subject in the art of Florence. Originally commissioned as one of a series of statues of prophets to be positioned along the roofline of the east end of Florence Cathedral, the statue was placed instead in a public square, outside the Palazzo della Signoria, the seat of civic government in Florence, where it was unveiled on 8 September 1504. Because of the nature of the hero it represented, the statue soon came to ...more on Wikipedia(

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Artist: Bartolomeo Bandinelli

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Baroque art emerged in Rome, the artistic capital of Europe in the 17th century and spread to other European countries where it merged with local traditions and cultures. Baroque means irregularly-shaped pearl, derived from barocco in Portuguese, first used during the mid-1700s. Baroque art does not have any relation to pearls but the word was used as an epithet for a style that did not meet the great artistic standards of the preceding Renaissance era. Regardless of its origin, it carried connotations of “bizarre” and “absurd” when used by its critics who dismissed it as a decadent successor to the revered Renaissance movement. Till the end of the 19th century and occasionally in the present time, some people use this word in its original sense as an insult towards anything they find grotesque or abnormal. The Baroque Style also resulted in some majestic landmarks in modern Europe more

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Allegory of war
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Historical Art

The depth and wealth of Kenya’s art history is immense and unique. A significant collection of art is archived in public and private institutions. ​ Sadly, the Kenyan public does not get to access these collections and the stories that define their history; stories of how humans have used creative expression to record their rich cultural heritage and inform their posterity. ​ In this series we shall attempt to showcase the various art collections by The Late Joseph Zuzarte Murumbi, Kenya’s second Vice-President and art collector, and is known to have pushed for a national art gallery of Kenya, a dream he never saw come alive by the time of his death in 1990..

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Asiru Olatunde Osogbo (Nigerian 1918-1993) was a blacksmith like his ancestors before him . In 1961 he began to create figures of animals out of recycled copper and aluminium and this work evolved into a unique repousse technique on aluminium panels. ​

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The Turkana and other Nilotic tribes in Kenya and Ethiopia make a hair ornament called Ateloi. It is woven with grass with copper, brass or iron wires and attached to the clay headdresses that are either permanent or removable. These ornaments are used for holding ostrich or other onrmanetal feathers for their headdresses ​

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Lion’s mane headdress Alawaru proclaims that a Maasai has killed a lion during warrior-hood. For centuries this was a necessary ritual but is no longer practiced ​

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A piece from Joseph Murumbi's collection. Unfortunately not much is known about the artist or the piece itself.

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The dogon-iron-lamp

Dogon iron lamp from Mali

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Gold version of the Penny Black was the world’s first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system. It was issued in Britain on 1 May 1840, for official use from 6 May of that year and features a profile of the Queen Victoria. ​

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A spaghetti press made in Lamu. The dough put inside the cylinder and the wooden lever pressed down to squeeze the spaghetti out of holes in the bottom of it.

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A Swahili nobleman’s chair from Lamu inlaid with ebony and bone.

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Vessel, by Magdalene Odundo OBE
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zero point

Lady Magdalene Odundo’s pot made of clay graces the “Zero Point” where all distances in Kenya is measured from it is at the centre of Nairobi. She received an OBE from the Queen of England for her work.

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Contemporary Kenyan art

Over the last few years, Kenya has cashed in on the “art boom” that Africa has been experiencing, especially in major cities like Lagos and Cape Town. Young artistsin kenya, mostly in urban areas, are working in multiple mediums to explore issues related to their childhood memories, complex social interactions besides racial, ethnic, and religious identities. These are some of the most popular contemporary artists in Kenya right now:

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Artist/Illustrator: Ed-Wainaina

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Artist: endo-patti

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Atrist: Viva Kanana

"Beauty in the beast"

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Artist: Osborne Macharia

"MACICIO" The story revolves around the MAU MAU (Guerrilla Fighters during Kenya's struggle for Independence). Rumour has it that within the MAU MAu was a special unit of 5 opticians who hand crafted their own special spectacles that they used to spot the enemy at night.

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Artist: Ondivow

it enatails slave trade

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Artist: Michael Soi

“The Three Musketeers”

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Artist: Dennis Muraguri

“These Aliens and their Music”

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Atrist: Wise Two

"Urban Project Tunis"

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Artist: Osborne Macharia
